Apply a filter to give the photo a unique look, or remove blemishes and red eye!.Remember to understand what file formats allow lossless resizing, and which really do not. But the best image editors will have crop presets to allow you to create images for standard social media formats. This is a basic feature that just about any image program - including those that exist natively on IOS, MacOS, Windows, and Android devices - can do. Crop the photo to remove any unnecessary elements.It’s important to think about exactly what you want to do - and how ambitious you want to be - as this will determine what photo editing app you end up choosing. Here are some common workflows that most folks working with photography will want to do. The cheapest, though, might not have what you need - and may leave your images with a nasty watermark. The most expensive and advanced editing tool can look like as complex as the dashboard of a Millennium Falcon, and have a significant learning curve. Photo tools have lots of editing features.